PW_Utility 16-Nov-1987 Doc rev: 1.3 ProWrite Utility Program Introduction Are you a ProWrite user? If not, this program will not be of much use to you. If you are, read on... Have you ever spent long hours working on a ProWrite document and then decided that you wanted to adjust all of your margins by some amount (like adding half an inch to all paragraphs' left margins, whatever they may currently be) or changing all usages of one font to another? Well, PW_Utility is the solution. It allows you to adjust the left margin, the right margin, and change all usages of one font (you can choose a specific size, too, if you want) to another font (of a specific size, or of the closest available size, if you want). Detailed Instructions: PW_Utility can only be run from the CLI. Invoke it with no arguments (just type "PW_Utility") to get its command line syntax and additional documentation. Note that when changing fonts, the new font must have been present on the system when the file was saved by ProWrite. If your new font is one that has been added to your system since you saved the document, you must use ProWrite to open and resave the document before changing fonts with PW_Utility. This restriction may be removed in a future version of PW_Utility. Also note that all margin references are in decipoints (there are 720 decipoints per inch) and are with respect to the left end of the ruler in ProWrite. Be careful not to adjust the margins such that the left margin is same as or to the right of the right margin; this condition is not detected by PW_Utility and would probably confuse ProWrite. Tab stops are also adjusted when margins are adjusted. Any tab stops that are on the original right margin will remain on the new right margin. All other tab stops will be adjusted by the same amount as the left margin. Distribution Guidelines: This program is shareware and may be freely distributed providing that: (1) no charge is made for its use or distribution, (2) it is distributed without modification, and (3) all accompanying documentation is included in the distribution. Send comments and/or contributions ($5 is recommended), if you find this program worthwhile, to: Edmund J. Scherer PLink ID: SYN*ED Synapse Software 11808 W. 149th Street Olathe, Kansas 66062 If you request it, you can also obtain a much nicer, laser-printed guide to using this program. Release History: V01.02 16-Nov-1987 Adjust tab stops when margins are adjusted. V01.01 13-Nov-1987 Support wildcard characters in old font name. V01.00 14-Sep-1987 Initial release. Known to work with document files produced by ProWrite version 1.11. Related Products: ProWrite is a widely-available word processor developed by New Horizons Software, Inc. It supports color, different fonts, character styles (including superscripts and subscripts). It is, in general, a very well designed product. Synapse Software has developed ProScript, a PostScript driver program for ProWrite. It takes ProWrite document files as input and produces PostScript output which can drive any PostScript-equipped device - typically a laser printer such as the Apple LaserWriter. ProScript is still in beta-test; write to Synapse at the address above if you want to be informed when ProScript becomes available. Trademarks, etc: ProWrite is a trademark of New Horizons Software, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. LaserWriter is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.